Friday, February 15, 2013

Connect the dots

It's the weekend!  About time.  Hubs and I had a wonderful dinner last night just the two of us.  Yummy food, good wine, good company; who could ask for more?

And today, I bought lots of new polish from Sallys!  I really only went in because I needed more Seche.  My current bottle got really thick and sticky, which is typical of Seche once it's about half way gone.  And Orly is 2/$11, plus they still have free Orlys old bottles with a $3 purchase. So I got 5 bottles of polish along with Seche. 

And three of them go together quite nicely. They inspired my manicure tonight, it's really fun!

I started with two coats of Orly Gumdrop, which is a gorgeous bluish green, kind of Tiffany Blue.

 I needed a dotting tool for the next steps and I lost my toothpick!  I highly believe a certain 3 year old has it somewhere in her collection of lost stuff.  Anywho, I had to think of something else quickly. And this is what I came up with:
I used cuticle nippers to remove the top end (or was it the bottom?) of a cotton swab.  I made sure there weren't any loose cotton pieces and just dipped directly in the polish.  It worked great!!

So I used two other colors I got today, Orly's Beach Cruiser and Green with Envy, along with Charged Up, which I already owned. I made dots along the one side of my ring finger and pointer finger. 
I love all these colors together!!  And they look really fun.  I'm pretty proud of my genius dotting tool idea as well!  And as I'm typing this, I just got the BeBe stamp of approval.  She said "Look at your polky dots! Awww so cute!"  I love 3 year olds!

 P.S.  How kick ass is my new ring?  I love it.

Gotta run, dinner at the in laws in 45 minutes and I still need to get dressed! Blogging always comes first. And my valentines gifts continue.  Hubs is taking BeBe home and I get to go out with my sister in law! I can't wait!  Happy Friday everyone!


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