Monday, July 20, 2015

Crest 3D White Brilliance Daily Cleansing and Whitening System

**I have a post brought to you by BzzAgent and Crest today. I received these products free for testing and reviewing purchases. I did not purchase these products.**
I have wanted whiter teeth forEVER. Basically since I got my braces off at 15. I've tried at home whitening strips. But never long enough for real results. And I want to do the zoom white at my dentist, but that can be pricy!!

Enter BzzAgent. I was selected to receive this new system by Crest and they sent me the whole set. It's a daily toothpaste and a whitening gel that you use twice daily. Using the toothpaste, you brush as normal, spit out the junk in your mouth and DO NOT RINSE. 

That part is so hard!  I'm so used to rinsing right away.  Don't even rinse off the toothbrush. 

Then put the whitening gel on the toothbrush and brush again for one minute. After you spit that out you can rinse. It's almost like brushing your teeth with the gel from those whitening strips they make. So the taste isn't the best; rinsing is necessary. 

I took a picture before I started using 
And I will take another one Sunday morning, as that will be one week. The packaging says you will notice results in one week. We shall see!!

On another note. Since we are talking about WHITENing products. My last name is Whiten. Pronounced just like the color (or as my mother in law says "what bleach does to your clothes).

 So many people call me Whitten though like the football player for the Dallas Cowboys. Not that I would mind football player money. But that's it my name.  Anyways the point is... people look at a tooth whitening product and read that it WHITTENS your teeth!?

I'll leave you with that thought today

Kat ❤️

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Double the Homes!!!

The I've been so incredibly busy.  Once again.  But for good reason; we closed on and moved into the new house! 
From the moment we closed I've been going back and forth. And back again. 

Painting and cleaning in the new house. Packing and cleaning at the old house. 
Meeting contractors to fix small problems at the new house. To meeting handymen to tune up appliances at the old house. 

I'm exhausted. Everyday. Of course I also started working every day as soon as we closed, so that hasn't helped. 

But that hard work has PAID OFF. Omg this house is everything I wanted, and everything I never knew it could be.  It's about 300 square feet more than the previous house, but it feels palatial in comparison. 

We have a 15x20 lofted master with its own ensuite bathroom and walkin closet. We have a third bedroom that is a guest room and playroom for now. We have a DINING ROOM.  Say what!?  No more eating in front of the TV. #lifeisgood

The house was in good condition when we bought it. But I upgraded with paint and my own touches of course. 
Audrey picked out her own room decor. I haven't really seen her room all put together.  Because honestly it's not at all put together. Her bed is up, and her dresser and closet are full of clothes.  But she instantly had toys strewn about the entire room. 
Everything else is done though!  What a great feeling. To have a new place and everything is exactly where it should be.  

Gone are the days of just shoving things places because we have no space. No more clutter, no more mess!!
      *deep peaceful breath*

There's much more to be seen!  Coming soon to part two!!

But this might be the most impressive.  The inlaws brought over all the bourbon they have been given and didn't like (don't get my started). So let's get this collection started!  Do you have to keep them all full for it to be a collection?

Of course it's not over.  There's still the old house to clean. And get rented. But for now, I'm done.  And home!!